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Dragonflyā„¢ CMSThis website engine Copyright © 2003 - 2024 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team
Free Software released under the GNU GPL; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. No warranty is given or implied.
CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Dragonflyā„¢ Multimedia The majority of the multimedia found in Dragonflyā„¢ was designed by Paris Paris

Dragonflyā„¢ Logo The Dragonflyā„¢ logo was designed by Brian Monnone Brian Monnone

Menu Graphics A small portion of the graphics found in Dragonflyā„¢ was designed by Everaldo Everaldo


Content Create an organized collection of material CPG-Nuke

Downloads v2 Manage nicely categorized downloads. CPG-Nuke

Encyclopedia Create and manage a simple encyclopedia CPG-Nuke

FAQ Create and manage a simple knowledge base Trevor Eckart

CPG-BB CPG Bulletin Board by CPG-Nuke Dev Team and based on phpBB 2.0.x which is released under the GNU GPL CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Groups Manage user-based groups CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Members Delete Marks Members as Deleted BrokenCrust

News Manage news articles that can be sorted between categories and topics CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Our Sponsors Create and manage advertisements for your site CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Private Messaging Send and recieve private messages with members

RSS Create nicely categorized rss feeds CPG-Nuke_Modified_By_Jordo

Statistics Keep track of who visits your site and at what time CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Surveys Manage Surveys to gain information from your visitors CPG-Nuke Dev Team

Treasury Donation management - ported from the original Nuke Treasury by Thrash at Phoenix (port)

Web Links Create nicely categorized links to other websites. CPG-Nuke Dev Team

My Account Powerful member management system DJ Maze

Coppermine Coppermine Photo Gallery ported for Dragonflyā„¢ by the CPG-Nuke Dev Team GrĆ©gory Demar


Content Create an organized collection of material CPG-Nuke

Coppermine Coppermine Photo Gallery ported for CPG-Nuke Dragonflyā„¢ by the CPG-Nuke Dev Team GrĆ©gory Demar

CPG Main Menu Written from scratch by DJMaze DJMaze

CPG Multimedia The majority of the graphics found in CPG-Nuke Dragonflyā„¢ were designed by Paris Paris

CPG-lang Language file input for i18n. To easily translate between languages Akamu Akamai

DF Main Menu Create a multi level main menu for Dragonfly Biggles

Downloads v2 Manage nicely categorized downloads. CPG-Nuke

Encyclopedia Create and manage a simple encyclopedia CPG-Nuke

Forums CPG-BB 1.0.0 by CPG-Nuke Dev Team released under GNU GPL
Based on phpBB 2.0.x

Members List Part of CPG-BB by CPG-Nuke Dev Team released under GNU GPL CPG-Nuke

My Account CPG My Account 2.0 DJMaze

Our Sponsors Create and manage advertisements for your site CPG-Nuke

Private Messages Part of CPG-BB by CPG-Nuke Dev Team released under GNU GPL CPG-Nuke

Some Graphics A small portion of the graphics found in CPG-Nuke Dragonflyā„¢ were designed by Everaldo Everaldo

User Info Block Based on All Info Block by Alex Hession. Major modifications made by DJMaze Alex Hession

Web Links Create nicely categorized links to other websites. CPG-Nuke Dev Team

I marchi ed i loghi usati sono di proprietĆ  dei loro rispettivi proprietari, gli amministratori non sono responsabili dei messaggi inviati dagli utenti.
Copy by Simone Valerio and Andrea Fagiuoli since 01/01/05.
Interactive software released under GNU GPL, Code Credits, Privacy Policy
.: Original Theme (FiSubBrownsh Shadow) by Daz, modify by: Valerio Simone and Andrea Fagiuoli :.

CSS Valido! [Valid RSS]